Category Archives: Health

Why Weight-Loss Goals Aren’t the Best New Year’s Resolution

I wish you a very happy and healthy year ahead.

For those new to Eating for You, my mission is to help women get off the dieting rollercoaster and embrace sustainable, healthier eating habits. As a dietitian and mindfulness practitioner with over 30 years of experience, I’ve seen countless diet trends come and go—and reappear under new names.

As we step into the new year, many of you may have set resolutions for your health. While I’m a fan of resolutions and have a few myself, there’s one goal I don’t recommend: setting a weight-loss resolution.

Let’s explore why weight-loss goals might not serve your health and wellbeing and dive into a compassionate and effective alternative.

Continue reading Why Weight-Loss Goals Aren’t the Best New Year’s Resolution

Can I eat bread?

I love the smell, taste and texture of my Khorasan sourdough bread, so I wanted to be part of the promotion of Real Bread Week.

And to answer your question “Can I eat bread?”

So many people that I talk with are crazy about low carbs, but not all carbs are equal and not all breads are equal as we will explore in this post.

I am also going to share the current nutrition recommendations for grains and cereals, so you can see why they are great sources of nutrients.


Continue reading Can I eat bread?

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet

The DASH diet shows how powerful food is as medicine!

If you have high blood pressure, by adopting this approach to eating, you may experience a lowering of your blood pressure within two weeks.

However, if following a set of rules doesn’t work for you long term, then let’s change your reasons for eating first. Continue reading Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet