Category Archives: Appetite

Are you tempted to start a new diet?

Another diet? Interest in weight loss diets continues to grow, because no one way of eating works for everyone.

Whether it is intermittent fasting based (days or hours without food) or the diet promotes Paleo, high fat keto, low carb or sugar free, I suggest you proceed with caution.

Any eating regime that calls for strict adherence to general rules calls for careful investigation. There are five factors to consider.

Empty plate with sad face

Continue reading Are you tempted to start a new diet?

Tuning into your appetite

“How much should I eat?” is a question I am commonly asked. The answer to this is partly related to your personal nutritional requirements and whether you are experiencing health or illness. The types of foods you eat, your activity levels and how mindful you are of your cues for ‘hunger’, ‘satisfied’ and ‘full’ will also have an impact. Today I am going to introduce our appetite mechanism as the first instalment in the series. In future posts I will address how our choice of food and other lifestyle factors can influence our drive for eating.

Hands placed on stomach

Continue reading Tuning into your appetite